
Concerts, exhibitions, book releases, discs dedicated to the memory of the conductor.


January 11 and 12 — “George Enescu” Philharmonic

In memoriam “George Georgescu”: concert dedicated to the legendary Romanian conductor at
the Romanian Athenaeum
Conductor : Cristian Măcelaru
Soloist : Sarah Nemțanu
Bucharest, Romania

Photo concert in honour of George Georgescu at the Atheneum in Bucarest with the George Enescu Philarmonic Orchestra in January 2024
Photo of the hall of Atheneum in Bucarest before the concert in honour of Geoge Georgescu with the Enescu Philarmonic Orchestra in January 2024


23 Feb — “Conductor George Georgescu- An international career in novel documents”

Conference held by Dr. George-Andrei Butca,
The Romanian Academy,
Bucharest, Romania.

Photo of the conference given by George Andrei Butca about the remarkable careeer of George Georgescu famous romanian conductor
Photo of the conference given by George Andrei Butca about the remarkable careeer of George Georgescu famous romanian conductor - during the conference


14 Sept — 130th Anniversary of George Georgescu's Birth

Exhibition of photographs, at the “George Enescu” Museum, Bucharest
Presented by Prof. univ. dr. Dan Dediu

Photo of the exhibition celebrating the 130 years of the birth of George Georgescu famous romanian conductor in Bucarest - picture 1 showing the main picture
Photo of the exhibition celebrating the 130 years of the birth of George Georgescu famous romanian conductor in Bucarest - picture 2 with celebrities
Photo of the exhibition celebrating the 130 years of the birth of George Georgescu famous romanian conductor in Bucarest - picture 3about his life

13 May — XXV Edition of the International Interpretation Competition “George Georgiescu”

Exceptional Concerto Violoncellissimo with 18 cellos
Tribute to the 130th anniversary of George Georgescu's birth at Tulcea National Art Museum

Photos of the Tulcea Competition with young musicians interpretating the music by George Georgescu in May 2017 - photos of the Art Museum in Tulcea
Photos of the Tulcea Competition with young musicians interpretating the music by George Georgescu in May 2017 - photos of musicians playing


4 Oct — 125th Anniversary of the Birth of Conductor George Georgescu

Conductor Horia Andreescu, soloist Valentin Gheorghiu,
The Romanian Athenaeum,
Bucharest, Romania.

Photo of the concert celebrating the 125 years of the birth of George Georgescu romanian conductor in the Atheneum in Bucarest
Photo of the concert celebrating the 125 years of the birth of George Georgescu romanian conductor in the Atheneum in Bucarest - news review of the event


2009 “Home to George Georgescu” in the garden of the old Lighthouse de la Sulina

After the inauguration of the George Georgescu Hall, Monica Buhai, School Inspector of Tulcea County, conceived and organized annually together with Sulina City Hall and ICEM (Danube Delta Museum and Eco-Tourism Center) musical evenings, in the garden of the old Lighthouse, with evocations from the life of the Romanian conductor who was born in these lands.

Photo of the inauguration of the George Georgescu Hall in the old lighthouse of Tulcea in 2009


28 Sept — - Inauguration of George Georgescu Park in Sulina hometown

The conductor's daughter made available to ICEM, the complete photographic material (photographs, posters, programs, dedications and testimonies of prominent musical personalities), as well as personal items.

Photo of the Inauguration of George Georgescu Park in Sulina hometown several people gathering for the event
Photo of the Inauguration of George Georgescu Park in Sulina hometown several people gathering for the event with the mayor


23 Sept — Release of CD Volume II, “Art of George Georgescu”

Casa Radio Publishing House, 40 years after the death of the conductor
C. Franck, C. Debussy, A. Roussel, Brahms.

Photo Release of CD Volume II, “Art of George Georgescu” in 2004


14 Feb — Release of CD Volume I, “Art of George Georgescu”

Strauss, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Brahms
Radio Romania - Casa Radio Publishing House.

Photo of Release of CD Volume I, “Art of George Georgescu” in 2003


3 July — Romanian Athenaeum

a) Launch of the books “George Georgescu” and “Memories from a Century” in the foyer of the Athenaeum
b) Exhibition Photographs retracing the life and career of the conductor from 1887 to 1964
c) Concert Omagial conductor Cristian Mandeal, soloist cellist Vladimir Orloff
Bucharest, Romania

Cover of the book written by Tutu George Georgescu, the wife of the romanian conductor, titled "George Georgescu"
Cover of the book written by Tutu George Georgescu titled "AMINTIRI DINTR-UN SECOL"

11 Jun — Concert and Photo Exhibition “In Memoriam George Georgescu”

Romanian Embassy, London, UK

Photo of the official invite for the exhibition in honour of George Georgescu at the Ratiu foundation in London in 2002

14 Novi — Concert and Photo Exhibition “In Memoriam George Georgescu”

Romanian Embassy, Paris, France

Photo of the official invite of exhibition in honour of George Georgescu famous romanian conductor at the romanian embassy uin Paris in 2002


9 October — Tribute to George Georgescu

5° Rencontres Franco-Roumaines en Méditerranée
Sete, France

Press article in newspaper about an exhibiition in honour of George Georgescu the romanian conductor in Sete France in 2000


17-18 Sept — George Georgescu Memorial Concert 100 years since birth

Public Communication Session “George Georgescu 100 years from birth”
Romanian Athenaeum, Romanian Academy
Bucharest, Romania

Photo of the Public Communication Session “George Georgescu 100 years from birth” in 1987